Saturday, November 29, 2014

Beat That Bloat!!

Beat Bloat and Stress in 14 Poses!
     Holiday digestion can be a little tricky. Unfortunately, the delicious holiday meals are not easy on your digestive tract. Fortunately, there is a better solution than taking Tums. Stress can also be a side effect of the holidays, as wonderful and fun as they are! I know of something that can kill 2 birds with one stone!
     Yoga can reduce bloating and indigestion by stretching your intestines and moving around those gasses to let the food get through the digestive tract. Your body can absorb nutrients and get rid of what it doesn't need, releasing that awful bloat. It can also reduce stress to help you get into that holiday spirit!! Of course, Yoga has SO many health benefits, it is worth your time all year round! Now is a great time to try it out, and see a whole new you, BEFORE the New Year! Do it today, make it part of your weekly routine, and be your best, happiest self for Christmas.
     This routine was developed by Zayna Gold. She has Crohn's disease, and created this routine to help relieve the bloating and flatten your tummy while also easing your stomach pains. Read this article to see what to do to relieve your body in 15 minutes.

14 Poses for Better Digestion

    I hope this helps! I love the holiday season, so much to be thankful for, love the lights, the sparkle, the music, and the joy that is supposed to be a part of this time of year. All to often it can get lost in the stress of travel and large gatherings, gifts for everyone and redecorating. I hope that after a few minutes of yoga, you have the time to remember all the things that you love about Christmas and your family and all the things you have to be thankful for. In fact, I'd love it if you would comment below with some of those things!! Let's share the holiday joy while we are living healthy - every day!

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