Monday, November 3, 2014

Motivation Monday

     It is very common to see progress pictures from clients, with people judging and the trainer defending. How often, though, do you see progress pictures of the professional? How often can you see that the trainer is also following his/her own advice? It is easy to defend others who have worked hard and made good decisions, but how hard is it to put your own self out there to be judged and torn apart by those "offended" by your picture because you don't look how they think you should? 

     Well, here is my picture. Six weeks after I had my beautiful, healthy, baby girl, I have now been cleared to begin working out again. Now, it did take courage for me to post this picture, simply because I don't want to hear people's judgements and criticisms, but I am proud of where I am right now. I am proud because during my pregnancy, I continued to make good decisions about my diet. I continued to workout, adjusting to what I could safely do in each stage. Even though it was difficult, I even challenged myself to drink 100-120 ounces of water every day (in between bathroom visits!) 

     I hope that as you see this picture and you read this article, you are not offended or think that I am just boasting about all my self-control. Of course I had cravings (that I indulged), of course some days I didn't get enough water, of course some days I just couldn't find the energy to work out. I just did my best to stick to the 80-20 rule: 80% of the time, make the healthy choice - 20% of the time, let life take you where it will. I hope that as you see this picture and read my story, you are encouraged that the hard things you are doing will be worth it! I hope you know that I have been through the struggles and I can understand you and meet you where you are. I just want you to know that your goal is possible, and I can say that because I've been there. 

    I hope you are motivated to make the good choices for your body today, drink your water, eat well, and get moving. If you feel like you just don't have it in you today, message me! I would love to help you find the motivation to get where you want to be!

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