Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Workout Wednesdays!!

Good News! I am on the mend and getting back into shape! This means that starting next week I will have workouts up that we can do together!

I want to point out that I have taken the necessary steps for recovery from my c-section 2 months ago and I have been cleared by my doctor to resume workouts, slowly building up to speed again. I have rested a lot, and gradually began walking every day, introducing functional movements and bodyweight exercises before getting back here. Remember how important recovery is! (See my blog on recovery from Saturday.)

I am also by no means where I'd like to be, but I want to begin sharing the workouts with you anyway. The reason for this being that I speak so much about the importance of loving your body where it is today - even if you are NOT at your goal. So, I want to lead by example and grow with you. Now, I don't want you to compare yourself to me or anyone else. The point is that I am not at my best yet, and you are not at your best yet. We will work together to become the best that each one of us can be: end of story.

I would LOVE for you to do these workouts with me and share with me your questions, comments, suggestions, and results! I will not post your results unless you specifically ask me to, I just want to see your progressions so I can make adjustments to these workouts to benefit you most efficiently and of course to help you see the progress that maybe you can't! Sometimes it just takes a fresh eye to see how far you've come and I want to be able to encourage you in your health and fitness journey.

I will be using some equipment with these workouts including; an interval timer (you can buy one or download a free one on your phone), a jumping rope, an 8 pound medicine ball, 2.5 pound dumbbells, 2.5 pound plates, 5 pound plates, 10 pound weights, a T-bar (or a regular straight bar will do), a light resistance band, a stability ball, a small step, and a yoga mat. If you do not have any of these items, some can be picked up fairly inexpensively at a sports store or even Walmart. If you cannot afford (or just don't want to spend the extra money on) the equipment, no worries. I will provide variations that you can do without them, however they will only enhance your results from the workout.

The type of workouts will be HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), but don't let the sound of that scare you. All it means is that during the whole workout, we raise your heart rate, and bring it down, and repeat over and over. As I said, I am still recovering, so the level of workout is fairly toned down, and you can always go at your own pace. We will work up strength, muscular endurance, and cardio endurance together, one step at a time. I also cannot do much jumping or very high intensity at this stage, so please do not be afraid to try - at least check out the first workout! Each workout will be about 35-40 minutes long with some stretching and recovery tips at the end.

The reason that I chose HIIT as the style of workouts is because you can burn the most calories in the fastest amount of time, while increasing cardio endurance - building a stronger heart (it's a muscle, too! One that keeps you alive!) You will also tone lean, long muscles as you get stronger and stronger. Another huge benefit of HIIT is known as EPOC, Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption, or "after burn". Basically, it means that your body can continue to burn calories for up to an hour and a half after the workout, while you are at rest or going about the rest of your day! That is effectiveness!

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment on this page and I will do my best to answer as soon as possible. I hope to see you next Wednesday with your gear and a bottle of water! Don't forget to follow this blog to get all your updates!

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