Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Difference a Stretch Can Make

The Difference a Stretch Can Make
Saturday Stretch

     See the difference between these two pictures? Sometimes, when you're feeling like you are just not getting where you want to be, a stretch is all it takes to change the way you look. 

     Stretching your shoulders, specifically, can have a number of benefits. Opening your shoulders up can reduce back pain, make lifting objects easier, cause you to appear taller and thinner, and help you put forth a new confidence. You appear happier in general (and you might BE happier, since your back doesn't hurt!) When your shoulders are properly aligned, you can also lift heavier weight and lift higher. Since opening your shoulders opens so many opportunities, let's go over a few ways to do that!

 The stretch to the left is GREAT for lifting your shoulders up and elongating your waist. It is also a great stretch to do after working your back doing exercises such as Lat Pull Downs, Rows, Flys, etc. The stretch to the right can be done with the same exercises, and will reduce tension in your upper back, allowing your shoulders to relax and stay open.
 This stretch will open your chest and your rib cage so you can stand tall and proud. Ladies, it is also helpful for lifting the "ladies" so they stand a little bit perkier. This stretch will also reduce soreness from exercises such as Push Ups, Bench Press, Cable Pull Downs, etc. I recommend doing it both ways, as shown. The one on the left will stretch more of the upper pec muscle, while the one on the right gets much deeper into the whole muscle.

     Remember that you must hold each stretch for 30-45 seconds to get the full results. When stretching after a workout, it will release the Lactic Acid that builds up in the muscles during exercising, reducing the soreness that can follow and improve how quickly your muscles recover. When they recover more quickly, you can expedite the process to get whatever results you are working for. 

     I HIGHLY recommend incorporating these stretches into your regular routine, at least when you work those muscles, but even better do them every day as a stretching routine. I promise the extra few minutes will be well worth it as you see your body changing, and feel the difference from the inside. You will be able to walk with your head high and confidence radiating from your face and presence!

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