Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Importance of Rest, Relaxation, and Recovery

     I know that you all know you should have rest days in between your workouts, but do you know why? What's the big deal? I've always been the type of person that always wants to be moving, so telling me to sit down and rest feels like punishment. Especially after 3 months of feeling very limited at the end of pregnancy, I was so ready to be up and moving around after delivery. I figured I'd start out with some light cardio and light weights, keeping my heart rate low and taking it easy. I was so bummed when my doctor told me that I could do nothing of the sort for 6 more weeks. Sounds like such a long time! Some days I did push the limits, lifting heavy groceries or moving furniture, and I saw consequences (nothing to end me back up in the hospital). Anyway, it was just a reminder of the importance of rest and recovery, no matter how big or small. 

     So you didn't just go through major surgery, it was just a tough week of workouts and you're not even that sore. Recovery isn't that important right now, right? False. When you push your muscles to the limits, you are breaking them down and introducing lactic acid. The acid is what makes you feel sore. If you do not stretch and rest to let the muscles heal and release the lactic acid, you will find it much harder to build strength and lose weight the way you want to. If you are very sore, you do want to keep the muscles moving so they don't become tight, but don't push them. Light walking around the house will do for that. You will find that with at LEAST one rest day a week, your physical benefits will grow much faster and your results will be maximized. 

     What about this relaxation part? Sure, it sounds nice, but who has time for that these days? I'm telling you - make time! Taking a small amount of time for yourself each day, or at least a few hours once a week will make the difference in your whole life, not just your physical goals. When you continue to be running and stressed and busy, your mind and body stay in a worn-down state. If you take a little time to do something that just feels good - a hot bath, getting your toes done, watching your favorite show, going for a walk outside - it can significantly reduce your stress level, and here is why that is so important. When your body is stressed, it releases a hormone called Cortisol. Basically, your body thinks that it is in a dangerous situation, so it will keep you awake (making you even more sleepy), and cause you to retain fat for energy. If you are stuck on a plateau with your health and weight goals, check your stress levels and take 5 minutes (or an hour) for just you. 

     Rest and relaxation are vital to any recovery. If you want to get back on track and increase your results more quickly, remember to keep balance and recovery as part of your normal routine.

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