Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Workout Wednesday! Finally Here!

Here is my first Workout Wednesday since having my baby!! I am so excited to share it with you guys and to see what you think! This is the start of something new, I can feel it!

     I think that it is easiest if you print out the workout so you can have it next to you as you do the video with me! The file below details what equipment you need and the exercises that are in the video so you know what is coming next. I hope that you will also count your reps to see how many you can do, then the next 2 times you do the workout, try to get at least 1 more rep on each exercise than you did before! It's not a game, it's how you get results! Try to complete this exercise 3 times before next Wednesday when I'll put up the next one!!

     This video is on YouTube, and so far it is the first, but follow my channel to see each new workout! 

Don't forget your water!! Good luck, break a sweat!

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