Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Little Healthier Apple Cobbler - Just in Time for the Holidays!

Everyone's favorite time is here! How could it not be your favorite with all the beautiful decorations, the delicious smells and desserts, and the much needed reminders to be thankful and remember the best gift ever given to us and a chance to give to others who we love. I am talking about Thanksgiving and Christmas because those are the holidays that I celebrate and love. Even if you do not celebrate those ones, I know there are many other delicious holidays coming around this time of year and no matter which holiday you celebrate, it is a time for happiness, love, and really good food!

Unfortunately, all the wonderful food associated with these holidays can really add to your waistline and take away from your pocketbook. The good news is - it doesn't need to be that way! There are tons of ways to make your holiday meals a little healthier, and I definitely recommend looking up ways to do it! 

Here, I have remade one of my favorite holiday desserts - Apple Cobbler. I LOVE the smell and taste of apples and cinnamon! Especially when it is a little colder outside, which it has been recently. Anyway, I did some experimenting before I got the recipe just right, but by the end of it my husband and I were fighting over the last bite! Also, since I have become a mom, I have been getting better at preparing recipes much more quickly so I can get back to my little love bug. I made this recipe with things that I already had in my kitchen (can't get more cost and time effective than that!), and it was a generous serving for 2. 

My Healthier Holidays Apple Cobbler

Apple Mixture:
3 Organic Gala Apples                      1/2 tbsp Cinnamon
1 tbsp Organic Honey                       1/4 tbsp Nutmeg
1 Fresh Squeezed Lemon wedge
Crust Mixture:
1/4 cup Flaxseed Flour (or ground Flaxseed) 2 tbsp All Natural Brown Sugar
1/4 cup Oats                                                    1 tbsp Unsalted Butter
Quick Prep Instructions:
     Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Skin and dice the apples, then place in a microwave safe container with the rest of the Apple Mixture. Microwave on high for 1 minute, stir, cook additional 1 minute, stir. 
     While the Apple Mixture is cooking, mix together the ingredients for the Crust Mixture, cutting in the butter last. 
     When Apple Mixture has finished cooking in the microwave, evenly sprinkle the Crust Mixture on top of the Apple Mixture. Place in the oven and cook until top is crispy and golden brown (about 15 minutes). 
     Serve warm, and enjoy with family and friends! 


Of course, if you are not pressed for time, you can cook the apples in the oven. This dessert was perfectly sweet to me, but if you want it to be EXTRA sweet, you can add more of the honey or add agave nectar to taste. 

I do want to say that, while this recipe is much healthIER than your store-bought apple pie or cobbler, it is still meant to be a special treat, not your everyday breakfast because I called it "healthy". The benefits here are that the recipe is made from whole, organic foods without preservatives, hormones, or harmful pesticides. The warm apples will warm you from the inside out, while the cinnamon will improve circulation to keep you warm through the night. The fiber in the oats will keep you regular and reduce bloating from the holiday dinner. 

I hope you enjoy this special treat, guilt free, and share it with your loved ones!

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