Thursday, November 20, 2014

Pomegranate White Tea - Full of More than Just Flavor

Pomegranate White Tea

     When the weather is a little colder outside, it is so nice to have something warm and tasty to drink!  Unfortunately, flavored coffee drinks are often full of preservatives, fillers, sugar and unhealthy fats. It's sad, I agree! And I am NOT saying that I do not indulge in a Starbucks Vanilla Latte from time to time. On a more regular basis though, there are a HUGE variety of teas that you can drink. Drinking tea can be more cost effective and much healthier for your body. I can't go into all of them today, so I'm just going to cover one of my new favorites! I love the color, I love the flavor, and I love what it does for me.

     First, let's talk about White Tea. I'm sure you are familiar with Green Tea and Black Tea, but White Tea gets forgotten many times. That is a shame, since it can put Green Tea and Black Tea to shame as far as nutrients. White Tea actually comes from the same plant as Green Tea, but it is harvested at a younger state while Green Tea is from the plant when it is more ripe and mature. White Tea is also less processed than Green Tea. White Tea is only steamed and then dried. You know that Green Tea is full of antioxidants, but since White Tea is less processed, it contains a higher concentration of all those antioxidants, which have been known to lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, improving heart health and aiding in weight loss. Bonus: it also contains less caffeine than Green Tea and has a smoother taste. 

     Now, as far as pomegranates go, they are fantastic fruits that are also full of antioxidants. There is a compound that is found ONLY in pomegranates, and it is responsible for the antioxidants and for lowering blood pressure and increases the speed at which artery blockages dissolve. 

      I am sure there are a number of places you can get some, I got mine from Trader Joe's Grocery store. So, no matter what ails you, pick up and enjoy yourself some Pomegranate White Tea.

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