Monday, November 24, 2014

Courage Can be Quiet

Motivation Monday

     There's no catchy phrases, no strong poses today. Sometimes motivation isn't screaming and undeniable, sometimes it is just a quiet determination that keeps you going. I had one of those days, today. Didn't sleep well, woke up tired to a filthy house and crying baby. But I got up, fed the baby, cleaned the house, and took care of the rest of my day, one step at a time. No roaring, no will to fight, just the quiet knowledge that I have to do it, I have to take care of my household and the best way to do that is to take care of myself. So even on those days, I gently encourage you to just take one step slowly after the other. Today, I had to lean on my husband to help me. Find those around you who can help. Don't be afraid to lean on those who are stronger than you for today. Tomorrow you will be stronger because of it. So find that little voice inside that won't let you quit. If you need, I'll be that voice for you. Some days it takes a kick in the pants, and some days it takes a gentle push. Either way, I'm here for you. We can do this together. 


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