Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Workout Wednesday - Stability Ball

Week 34 of pregnancy! I'm getting SO close to the end of this stage of my life and getting ready for the next! As I get closer and closer to that day, I am still focusing on keeping it low intensity and strengthening my back, glutes, and pelvic floor muscles. Here is the workout list, and a video of how to do it (blue link)!

15 Wall Squats
15 Push Ups with your hands on the ball
30 Hip Swivels (each Side)
20 Rainbows (each Side)
~Repeat 2X~

50 Thigh Squeezes
20 Hip Bridges
100 Over Head Pulses
30 Second Plank
~Repeat 2X~

25 Flys
15 Front Raises
25 Seated T Raises
25 Curl - Press - Out
~Repeat 2X~

If you are doing this workout with me, YAY! And I just want to say to really focus on activating your muscles as you push through the small movements. Pull in your lower core during each exercise. Have fun and don't forget to drink your water!
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