Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Fun Day - Hiking

Sunday Fun Day

     Happy weekend Friends! I am a HUGE advocate of living your life in balance, even though that is tough for someone like me, who naturally tends to be all-or-nothing. Health, however, demands balance. So yes, I train my clients to reach their goals as quickly and efficiently as possible, but training every day of the week is not the answer. 
      It is important mentally and physically to take a break now and then to refresh, recover, and restart. In order to see the best results from your training, you have to let your muscles recover so that they are stronger the next week to tackle the workouts with a new fire and for your mind to have a new determination and passion to push your body. My favorite thing about this, though, is that the benefits don't stop with your training, in fact that is only ONE part of your health! You have a whole life to live - a job to work, a family to take care of, a home to manage, friends to see, food to cook, shopping to do, and the list goes on. At times, it may seem impossible to take the time for a break, but I promise you, IT IS WORTH IT! 

So for this blog, Sundays are dedicated to the refreshing, the renewing, and the revitalizing of yourself. Today, I'd like to recommend hiking! This is something fun no matter what point you are at in your health journey since there are trails at every level. It still gets you up and moving, but in an environment that you probably don't see too much during the week. 
Moving around in the outdoors is one of my absolute favorite things to do, 
because the fresh air cleans out your lungs, 
you get your blood flowing when you are moving around, 
which in turn keeps your whole body functioning at its best potential. 
The fresh scenery often clears your mind and can give you a fresh perspective on life and lift your spirits. 

    I dare you today to get out for a walk, a hike, or a climb, and see for yourself if you are not more productive and more POSITIVE all week long! Enjoy the day!

Tiffany Mercer
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist
NASM Weight Loss Specialist

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