Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Try Something New

I Am Beautiful

      Normally, Try It Tuesdays are for clean eating recipes or tips for clean eating. Today I saw something that made me want to try something different, though, that kind of runs on the heels of yesterday's post. Yesterday I wanted you to know that no matter where you are in your health and fitness journey, you have something to be happy about today, and that you are beautiful TODAY. So now, I am challenging you, fill in the blank! You are beautiful today and when you see that, you become even more beautiful. So I dare you, in the comments, tell me what you think is beautiful about yourself today. TRY IT.

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  1. I am beautiful because I am comfortable in my own skin. I know I can improve, but I embrace the journey along the way.

    1. Mom you are so beautiful! You are the one who put the love of life and adventure in my heart!
