Friday, August 1, 2014

Fun Fact Friday - Work That Grocery Store

Fun Fact Friday
Do you know how to work your grocery store?

     We all are busy, and buying fresh foods for your healthy lifestyle can seem impossible sometimes, how DO you find time to get to the store that often? Fortunately, a trip to the store doesn't have to take so long, if you know where to find what you are looking for.

     It should make you smile that all grocery stores are laid out very similar to each other, as far as the items that you need. All fresh items are laid out around the perimeter of the store, so the only isles you need to go down are for water (if you buy bottled), and seasonings. If you need to buy frozen fruits and vegetables, they will also be in an isle, but I recommend fresh as often as you can.

     Fresh produce is most often located first thing when you walk in the door, with organic produce likely located first. 
     Bulk foods such as nuts and seeds are also located at the front of the store near the produce.
     Fresh deli meats, cheeses, dairy products, and eggs are just around the next bend. 
     Now this is not to say that everything on the perimeter is healthy or clean. It is still very important to make sure it is all natural and check the ingredients list for hidden fillers and preservatives that make it hard for your body to properly process the food and get the nutrients that you need from your food. Remember, the shorter the ingredients list, the better! If you cannot pronounce the ingredients, it is a good idea to put it back on the shelf. In general, canned and processed foods and snacks tend to be located down the isles, so you shouldn't need to waste too much time there. 

     Organizing your shopping list in the order that I listed above should also help reduce time spent walking back and forth and searching for each item. If possible, get even more detailed with items listed specifically to your own store. For example, at my store, I know that the organic strawberries and blueberries are first in the door, then bananas, apples then oranges. From there I know I go to the outside and continue my list with organic veggies such as spinach first, then mixed lettuce, then celery, and so on. If I order my shopping list in the order that I find the items, all I have to do is walk in a straight line, and I come up the other side right to the check out line. 

     My favorite large grocery stores are Whole Foods, Sprouts, and H.E.B. . These stores have a wide variety of organic and all natural foods as well as some local produce grown by people nearby. When you do have a little more time, don't forget your local farmer's market! 

     Fast and simple, and on to more exciting things! Come on, no one is excited about grocery shopping every week ;). But, it doesn't have to be a chore. Keep up the good work, friends! 

Tiffany Mercer
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist
NASM Weight Loss Specialist

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