Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Workout Wednesday - Plank Challenge!

16 Minute Plank Challenge!

     Happy Hump Day! Half way through the week, time for another free workout! I'm not gonna lie, at this point (33 weeks!) this challenge was really tough! I still want to challenge you though, and you're gonna need your timer for this one, along with a set of 5 pound dumbbells and a pair of 10 pound dumbbells, and 16 minutes. So here we go! If you can't complete the time, give it your all!

Each Exercise for 1 Minute
Mountain Climbers     
Plank Walks                
Alternating Froggers  
~ 30 Second Rest ~
Plank Leg Lifts          
Plank Rows with 10lbs              
Plank Side Toe Taps  
~ 30 Second Rest ~
Plank Front Raise with 5lbs   
Push Ups                   
Dive Bombers           

Done! Since planks work your inner core muscles (the ones you don't see), add this routine to your every day workout to pull in your stomach for a flatter tummy and to increase core strength, which will in turn increase your strength in every type of exercise you do. 

So let me know how you did! I want to know if you could finish it, found it challenging, etc and I am also challenging you to take a picture today, do this workout for 1 week, and take a picture after the week is over. See the proof for yourself, then share it with me! I want to see! Good luck Lovelies!


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  1. Newbie here...what are these exercises? What is a "dive bomber?" ☺

  2. Every single exercise is a form of a plank or push up. A "Dive Bomber" is a form of push up where you begin on hands and feet with your butt as high in the air as possible. Lower just your chest first, then keep your back arched so that you lower the lower part of your body while your chest raises into upward facing dog. Then do it backwards to get back to the starting position. has a video of how to do it. Unfortunately I cannot fully do these right now, I can only do half
