Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Low Intensity Toner

Hello everyone!

I decided to switch things up this week - mostly because I have been very sick! But, I didn't want to cheat you out of a workout! With a head cold I couldn't breathe too well, so I decided to go with a low intensity toning workout instead. The video is a little different so you don't have to listen to me wheezing, coughing, and sniffing. I still worked up a sweat so it is still challenging, just in a different way! So I hope you will give it a try!

Equipment Needed: 5 LB Dumbbells, 8 LB Medicine Ball, Medium Resistance Band

Twisting Bicycles 50 each side
Single Leg Lifts   50 each side
Plank                    1 minute
Downdog Leg Lifts 50 each side
Downdog             1 minute

Kneeling Row to Front Raise 15 each side
Alternating Supermans           30 each side
Lat Pull Downs                       50
Alternating Plank Balances    15 each side

Bodyweight Squats        50 
Kneeling Leg Lifts (back/side) 50 each
Clamshells                    30 each side
Alternating Single Leg Deadlift w/medicine ball 50 each side

Here is a video to show you how each exercise should look!! Have fun!

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