Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Low Intensity Toner

Hello everyone!

I decided to switch things up this week - mostly because I have been very sick! But, I didn't want to cheat you out of a workout! With a head cold I couldn't breathe too well, so I decided to go with a low intensity toning workout instead. The video is a little different so you don't have to listen to me wheezing, coughing, and sniffing. I still worked up a sweat so it is still challenging, just in a different way! So I hope you will give it a try!

Equipment Needed: 5 LB Dumbbells, 8 LB Medicine Ball, Medium Resistance Band

Twisting Bicycles 50 each side
Single Leg Lifts   50 each side
Plank                    1 minute
Downdog Leg Lifts 50 each side
Downdog             1 minute

Kneeling Row to Front Raise 15 each side
Alternating Supermans           30 each side
Lat Pull Downs                       50
Alternating Plank Balances    15 each side

Bodyweight Squats        50 
Kneeling Leg Lifts (back/side) 50 each
Clamshells                    30 each side
Alternating Single Leg Deadlift w/medicine ball 50 each side

Here is a video to show you how each exercise should look!! Have fun!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Winter Exercise - Harmful or Helpful?

Exercising in the Cold - Harmful or Helpful?

     Winter is almost upon us! And it is definitely beginning to feel that way! The weather has been a little cooler lately, which makes me feel like curling up next to the fire with a hot chocolate and watching a movie - all day - every day! I'm definitely the type of person who comes alive in the Summer, but we can't only be alive half the year! So, exercising during winter, is it safe?

     Well, the truth is that many people all over the world train in cold conditions. If you are properly prepared, exercising in the cold can be beneficial ... but if you're not prepared, it can be very dangerous, sending you into hypothermia, severe dehydration, or worse. 

     When you are active in cold conditions, you burn energy (calories) faster, so you need to make sure that you are properly fueled before and after your workout. Eating more carbs will give you a little burst of energy and keep your body fueled to go through the rest of your day. When you burn that many calories, you may feel sluggish the rest of the day, so make sure you eat enough calories to keep your body safe so that it can recover properly. 

     When you are cold, you also do not feel the need to drink as much water, but trust me, you do! You are still perspiring, but because of the evaporation, you may not realize how much you are sweating. Your body is actually working harder in the cold to keep your core temperature up, which means that you are sweating as much or more than normal, so don't let your water intake slip. 

     Speaking of sweating in the cold - you need to make sure that you are properly dressed. When you sweat, your warm clothing can turn into cold clothing, and when you are done working out, it can turn into FREEZING clothing! So layer up, fuel up, and drink up! Now you are safe(r) as long as the temperatures are not TOO drastic. If you are ever feeling too lethargic or shivering out of control, you may be in the beginning stages of hypothermia, so get inside and warm up! Never exercise in the cold alone (who wants to do that anyway!)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Jasmine Green Tea on a Cold Winter's Day

Jasmine Green Tea

     One of THE most relaxing smells to me in the world is the smell of Jasmine. I always just thought it was a nice smell ... it turns out, there is a reason (or a lot of reasons) why it feels like it is so calming. 

     Jasmine has been known to fight bacteria in your intestines which actually allows healthy bacteria grow and aid in smoother digestion. It can also increase your metabolism and help you burn fat more quickly. So, this not only soothes the stomach, but also shrinks that midline! Win - win!

     The antioxidants in Jasmine Green Tea can drastically reduce the chance of Cancer and slow down the aging process. The healing begins on the inside, but radiates all the way to the outside! 

     As if all that isn't enough to make you love Jasmine Green Tea, here is another big one - it can improve the health of your heart by reducing the bad cholesterol in your body and prevent more from forming. This can reduce the chances of a stroke or heart attack.   The health of your heart doesn't just determine how or when you die, but it can also drastically affect the quality of your life. If drinking a cup of delicious, warm tea on a cold day can reduce stress, calm your emotions, better your heart - then it is such a simple step to take for a better life. Do something great for yourself today.

Enjoy your tea, Loves.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Egg "Muffins" for Breakfast! (Or whenever ;) )

Egg Muffins

Hello Guys!! Getting back on track after Thanksgiving is always a little bit tough, but here is an easy recipe that is packed full of nutrition, easy to make, and is sure to be a pleaser, even when you have family over for the holidays! By the way, only a few more weeks until Christmas!!! Ok, so here it is!

10 - 12 eggs
1 chopped tomato
1/2 chopped onion (large)
1 cup of spinach, chopped
1 chopped red bell pepper
Herbs of choice (I used Rosemary, Oregano, Garlic, Pepper)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, chop all vegetables. Cook veggies in a pan on high heat for 5 minutes, or until onions are golden brown and spinach is dark and shriveled. All veggies should be soft. Mix veggies, eggs, and herbs in a large mixing bowl. Grease muffin tin with unsalted butter and pour mixture evenly into the tin up to half an inch from the top of each cup. (Mixture will rise.) Cook for 30 minutes or until egg mixture is firm. Makes about 12 muffins.

Serve fresh and hot, or let cool and freeze for later! Again, things always taste better when you share them with someone you love! This recipe is easy to prepare ahead of time and reheat for a quick bite on those busy days when you might *ah!* skip breakfast. ;)

Hope you guys are having a great week and that you enjoy this recipe! Super easy and delicious, just how I like my food! Not to mention fantastically healthy for you!

P.S. Don't forget to check back tomorrow for another workout!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Workout Wednesday!! Round 2!!

Hey Guys!! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend! I am so excited to give you round 2 of Workout Wednesday, I have such a great feeling about this new thing.

     So, I want you to add this workout to your weekly routine, I hope that you have done the first workout a few times and gotten the hang of it. This week add this one in, alternating both of them and keeping track of your reps and weight that you are using so you can see your progress! Remember, push for 1 more rep each and every time! You only see results when you push harder than you ever have before.


     Also, I know I sweated during this workout!! Let me see your #sweatyselfie too! I'm working hard too, so let's get sweaty together. Post your #sweatyselfie on my Facebook page and LIKE the page to get updates about this blog and more!

     Ok let's get started! Here is the list of the workout to print off and keep track of your reps and weight. Below that is the video! Enjoy! I'm so excited to hear back and see your pictures!