Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Workout Wednesday!

Time for a free workout!! Wednesdays are when I share with you the workout that I am doing for the day, and hopefully you can find it useful and do it with me, too!! Today I happen to be 32 weeks pregnant (YAY, I can see the finish line!) so at this point I am doing low intensity and focusing on strengthening my back, glutes, and transverse abdominus (inner core and pelvic floor muscles) to help keep my balance as my belly grows and grows! Also, strengthening the inner core muscles and pelvic floor will help a natural delivery go more quickly since those are the muscles that I will be using to push my little baby into this world! I also add half an hour - an hour walk each day in addition to my workouts. So let's get started!!

32 Weeks to Healthy Baby and Momma
30 Assisted Squats    Just full squats (as low as you can go) while holding onto something for balance
30 Toe Touches         Keep knees at a slight bend and bend only at the waist, touch your toes
30 Side Leg Lifts      You may hold onto something for balance, keep leg straight, lift out to the side

Repeat 3X

30 Assisted Pull Ups    I just put a stool under the bar, focus on using your back, don't strain your abs
15each Plank Rows      Begin in plank position, bend one elbow to bring the dumbbell to your back
50 Bent Over Flys        Knees slightly bent, elbows slightly bent, squeeze shoulder blades together, lift arms to level of your shoulders straight out to the side

Repeat 3X

30 Plank Leg Lifts      Begin in plank position, lift leg straight back using your glutes
10 Plank Balances      Begin on hands and knees, extend one arm and opposite leg, swing out to side
Forearm Plank            Hold 1 minute or as long as you can

Repeat 3X

Don't forget to stretch and drink plenty of water!! Have fun!

Tiffany Mercer
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist
NASM Weight Loss Specialist

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