So today isn't anything super deep, but I just want to remind you of a little fact that I'm sure you know, but maybe have forgotten.
Remember when you first decided to get in shape and start taking care of yourself? What was one of the first things you did? Well, if you are like me at all, you went shopping! You need new tennis shoes, new running shorts, new tank tops and sports bras, if you are going to take this seriously ;).
You feel like you can run faster, lift heavier, and take on the world in your new clean workout clothes. It's true! It is a fact that while your body does not magically get in better shape by putting on new clothes, it IS a fact that when you feel confident, you push yourself harder and you feel better all around. You are more excited to begin your workout, you feel like you have more energy during your workout, and you feel more satisfied after your workout.
You know it's true! So, maybe right now isn't the best time to go on a shopping spree, but I do want to encourage you to go out and buy one new clothing item, whether it's those Nike's you've been wanting forever, or a bright new tank top / shorts combo. Treat yourself for taking care of yourself! It happens to the best of us that now and then, our attitude gets as worn out as that pink sports bra that you've worn for 100 workouts. It's ok!
It's far better to treat yourself to a new outfit than a "cheat" meal. So often we think of "bad" food as a reward because many times, that's how we were brought up! How many times did you get ice cream for getting an A on your test? Well, you're making such great choices for yourself, and you want to KEEP those good choices and results, so I'm giving you permission today to go out and get a new workout item and take an "after" selfie! Celebrate, reward, and appreciate your body for working hard for you, and it will continue to work hard, not to mention brighten your attitude and give you a new reason to work out today ;)